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Jackie Smith

Photo of Jackie Smith

Teachers - High School

Phone: 403-749-3838

Hello and thank you for being right here.  In a world of hurry up and go I appreciate you taking a moment to read my page.

My teaching role almost sounds like a Robert Munsch story.  I am everywhere.  No, serious.  I am.  

I am so fortunate to be able to work with and play alongside with all of the Kindergarten students, the Grade One students, the Grade Three students, the Grade Three/Four split class students, the Grade Five students, and the Grade Six students as their Physical Education and Wellness teacher.  Everyday is filled with energy and excitement, smiles and high fives, and noise….. Lots of Noise!

When I am not busy in the gym you will find me in the school’s Foods room as I also have the responsibility of delivering an exciting, engaging, challenging and DELISH foods class to all students in grades 6 through 12.  Every student I work with is encouraged to stretch and expand their thinking and their skills; encouraged to take risks that have them move outside their bubble of comfort. 

When not at school I am with my husband and three children.  We keep ourselves entertained and busy with a firewood business, a cattle ranch, our horses, and a variety of sports.  I am thankful for everything we do and where we live, all put together it is a Beautiful thing.

And, the more I do the more grateful I am for the fact that I am still learning...


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